Monthly Archives: 12 2013


New photo of EstЕ embroidery

We are glad to invite you to get pleasure of seeing and discussing the continued process of Tatyana’s (tina163) design “Fisherman” 033 Este and Zareta’s (Amina) design “Forest Stream (m)” 051* Este

Posted in Embroidered work 7.12.2013

The “Earliest done image” program

The prize certificates for 200 rubles were awarded to Оlga (Олька) end Zlata (zlataya) for the presentation of photos of the embroideries “Going to Business” 117 EstE and “Pine over Mountain River” 123 EstE.

This prize – an award program “Earliest done image” for 1/4 part.

Posted in Embroidered work 5.12.2013

5% discount on the scheme of the week

Only from Monday December 2th till Sunday December 8th get our special offer – a 5% discount of on the kits EstЕ:

054 “Angel Playing a Flageolet (m)” and 075 “Architectural Fantazy”.

“The scheme of the week” – Campaigns and bonuses

Posted in Campaigns and bonuses 3.12.2013

NEWS november

Edition: EstE, november 2013

129 “The Lion In Love” Abraham Solomon,

130 “Pelt Merchant of Cairo” Jean-Léon Gérôme,

131 “Elisabeth of Bavaria” Franz Xaver Winterhalter,

132 “Still Life with Orange” Johan Laurentz Jensen,

133 “Esme (m)” William Clarke Wontner,

134 “Esme (l) “ William Clarke Wontner.

New Products

Posted in New Products 1.12.2013